Rosie Trevill

Rosie Trevill is an interdisciplinary artist based in Glasgow specialising in writing, textile silk-screen printing, performance and installation.

Rosie works both independently and collaboratively to address language and embodiment as acts of resistance and resilience within personal and societal frameworks, informed by queer and feminist discourse.


A Ritual in Healing 

Series of digital and analogue photographs, live performance, moving image and silk-screen printed and sewn dress.

A durational performance, A Ritual in Healing focuses on the custom made dress, which is silk-screen printed with text describing personal experiences of facing and grieving the trauma of family addiction. In the performance, the artist continues to wash the dress in an attempt to remove the writing until her skin turns red with cold. The performance was documented in a series of digital and analogue photographs, and a moving image work follows the remnants of the performance, where only the dress is shown left-over in the water, with the artist’s narration describing the text printed on the dress. The project was created in response to research surrounding healing within the landscape, women’s relationship to nature, and Pagan traditions.

The film was presented at the CCA, Glasgow, 2018.